


I know the Laws of Nature are you, Lady.
Keep me mindful that I step upon Your Body,
with your feet,
that my sorrows are Your sorrows,
and that a healthy priest makes all things sound.
I feel Your breath in the wind, and Your hand in mine.
Keep me sincere.
Give me Your work,
which is to be joyous,
and to tend all things, because all things live, of themselves,
and with Your spirit.
Your will through mine, so mote it be.

by Francesca De Grandis, copyright 1987

The Sabbats of Wicca

Because witches honor nature, they have eight festivals, or Sabbats, that mark the year as it turns through its seasons. The following is basic information about these Sabbats, and includes both standard Wiccan information as well as my personal Sabbat lore and experiences, in other words, what I perceive the Sabbats to be.

Samhain happens near Halloween and is when the Wiccan year begins. My altar cloth is black, because we are in the time of year that is dark. On my altar is the harvest, our "dead Lord" whose life is in the crops and "sacrificed" when the crops are killed to become our food. This is the time of death, of honoring and communing with spirits that have passed to the other side. Now the veil between the worlds is thin. It is a good time to invite our beloved dead to visit with us. This is not a gruesome exchange, but reverent, earthy, natural, further it is joyous and festive. Victor Anderson says "If a ghost of a loved one shows up, ask him to join the party."

Yule or winter solstice happens near December 21, which is the longest darkest night of the year. The dark of Winter is safe like my bedcovers at night. Dark whispers of a Mother's love caress me. In the darkness of the Mother's womb, the void I am safe, sustained, at peace. and can move inward, into my own dark self, looking, learning, purifying. I can cleanse myself of all that blocks me from being born new with the rising new solstice sun when the sun king is born, with promises for the Spring ahead.

Brigid or Candlemas, on February 2, is the festival of the Goddess Brigid, patron of poetry, healing, and metalsmithing. Brigid's poetry inspires me to shake off winter's sleep now, stretch and start to get ready for Spring. I am still drowsy.

Spring Equinox happens about March 21, and I pass from one time into the other, yet am between one time and another. I completely shed winter's sleep. As a time of passing, transition, it is powerful - a time of balance - equal day and equal night - so a time of magic. I am poised between being bound, and the movement of Spring. Bound like sleeping beauty who is released by love's kiss into the violent passion of Spring. Bound as in the cosmic egg, which exploded when the cosmos was hatched. Explosive moment of creation - moving dynamically chaotically.

Beltane or May-Day, is a celebration of love. And we're talking Pagan now! Love -- moon rhymes with June, so the universe gets created. LAHV!

The Ancient people, from the Priests and Priestesses to the farmers understood the power of love: loving company between two people is an echo of the act that created all things. No, let me rephrase that: it IS the act of creation.

Summer Solstice happens about June 21. All things move in spirals, and I watch the year move in a spiral, right now spiraling up to the sun's climax. I celebrate summer and the heat of the Gods.

Lammas is August 1. Now the Corn King dies as his body is harvested from the fields so that I may be fed, so that I may live, so that I may go into the winter months of darkness rich with his blood and love in my veins. The Dark King, Shepherd of souls, becomes stronger now. With WInter I will go inward, to the inner depths of my own soul. And HE will embrace me with His love in the coming trials and celebrations of the Wintertime. Some of my crops are harvested and I give thanks. Some of my crops are not yet ready and I must insure their harvest.

Fall Equinox happens near or on September 21.Today, the length of night time is equal to the length of daytime. At the Equinox, I become aware that this time is not the balance, or rather the order, one usually sees in nature. Nature is not really balanced. But ordered. A cyprus by the ocean grows windblown by ocean storm and wind, bowing towards the earth. That cyprus is the usual balance or order of nature - stable, poised, in harmony. ALL of nature leans like the ocean-blown cyprus towards the dark earth. But Fall Equinox is a balance of light and dark, night and day and therefore is truly an outlandish moment in time: equality, a equal balancing, an actual moment of balance. I draw on my roots in the darkness, yet revel in the kiss of summer breeze and sun.
I face the darkness of the fall and winter ahead and so face mysteries. The Goddess has surprises for me in the wintry months ahead that will surpass my best hopes.

Copyright Francesca De Grandis,
1986 through 1996. The wide range of copyright dates are because much of this material is excerpted from lectures, articles, books, and Sabbat rituals she has written over a ten year period.


Casting a Circle

A circle is cast when rituals are performed. When calling the four quarters, point the wand to each site, and imagine the elements rising. You will need a small dish of salt, to be placed in the North quarter, a bowl of water to be placed in the West, a candle placed in the South of the circle, a small pot of earth with incense set in the East. Any tools to be used are placed in the centre.
Celestial Winds, come dance and sing; With you, airs of inspiration bring. Full and rich, to my heart, All your wisdom pray impart.
 Cosmic Fires, come dance and sing; With you, sparks of cleansing bring. Full and rich, to my heart, All your strength pray impart.
 Astral Waters, come dance and sing; With you, waves of insight bring. Full and rich, to my heart, All your creativity pray impart.
 Stellar Earth, come dance and sing; With you, soils of flowering bring. Full and rich, to my heart, All your rooting pray impart.
 Shining Spirit, come dance ane sing, With you, the magic of harmony bring, Full and rich, to my heart, And your power pray impart.
Now that the circle is opened, rituals are performed.

Closing The Circle

Stellar Earth, your blossoms close, But in my heart their fragrance grows.
Astral Waters, your waves subside, Into my heart, to reside.
Cosmic Fires, your sparks wane, But in my heart, they live again.
Celestial Winds, your airs fade, But carry the magick that I bade.
Shining Spirit, your song still sings, And with it the magic brings

Samhain Ritual

 Sweep Circle with sage. Cast circle. Say "This circle is cast as in days of old, to welcome the old ways. So mote it be." Light alter candles and incense. Say "I consecrate this place of rite, with salt, water, smoke and firelight. So mote it be."  
Blessing chant:
 "May the Powers of the source of all creation, All - Pervasive, eternal; The Goddess, Lady of the Moon and the Sun God, Horned hunter; Rulers of the Elemental Realms; the powers of the stars, And the earth below,Bless this place, this time, and I who am with you."   
Invoke the Goddess:
 "Blessed Lady, Witness this rite and hear my words in Love and in Light."   
Invoke the God: "Ancient Lord, protector of all, may you witness this rite, to help me in Love and in Light."   
Call God &Goddess:  "By the powers of the old ones, and the magick of their ways, I embark on my journey, may they bless all my days. Mother and Father of Earth and Sky, Blessed Lady, Ancient Lord, join now in my circle. So mote it be."
Call the Corners:  
 "Powers of East (North, West, South) Please join me in my rite, do witness my pledge and grant me insight. So mote it be."   
Raise wand/athame, face altar and say: "On this night of Samhain, I mark your passing, Oh sun king, thought the Sunset into the land of the young. I mark also the passing of all these who have gone before and will go after (you may wish to acknowledge certain people here). Oh gracious Goddess, eternal Mother, You who gives birth to the fallen, teach me to know that in the time of the greatest darkness, there is the greatest light."   
 Write on a piece of paper an aspect of your life that you wish to set free. Set the paper alight, using a candle or taper, in you cauldron or on a dish. Look into it's flames and say: "Wish one of the Waxing Moon, Goddess of the Stormy night, I create this fire within you, to transform that which is plaguing me. May the energies be reversed: From darkness to Light! From bad to good! From death to Birth!" 

Protection Charm

Fill a clear wine glass halfway up with water. Stir in some salt and put it in direct sun for 15 minutes. Let the water absorb the light. Along side the glass, place your own talisman and allow it to receive the sun as well.
After 15 minutes have passed, take the glass and talisman out of the sun and dip the talisman into the water. Gently swirl it clockwise while you say the following three times:
 "Apollo's light surround me.
Poseidon's water protect me.
Athena's wisdom guide me."
As you speak the words, imagine a white light surrounding the water and the talisman.
Leave the water with the talisman in it for another 10 minutes, then dry it off and wear it with comfort in knowing that it will protect you.

Candles, Colours & Meanings

 Purity, Truth, Sincerity; Color for Monday.
 Strength, Health, Vigor, sexual love; Color for Tuesday.
Light Blue
 Tranquillity, Understanding, Patience, Health.
Dark Blue
 Impulsiveness, Depression, Changeability; Color for Thursday.
 Finance, Fertility, Luck; Color for Friday.
  Gold or Yellow
 Attraction, Persuasion, Charm, confidence; Color for Sunday.
 Hesitation, Uncertainty, Neutrality.
 Honor, Love, Morality.
 Loss, Discord, Confusion; Color for Saturday.
 Tension, Ambition, Business progress, Power; Color for Wednesday.
Silver or Grey
 Cancellation, Neutrality, Stalemate.
 Encouragement, Adaptability, Stimulation, Attraction.
Insipid Yellow
 Sickness, Cowardice, Anger, Jealousy, Discord.

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